Stacie Hestand – Raised Rowdy Contributor

While his singles within the past year have ranged from high-energy drinking anthems to post-breakup lamentations, Tom O’Connor’s newest offering finds him in a place where most of us hope we never end up – having to watch the person you love start a life with someone else, where your only recourse is hanging on to the hope that you’ll have your chance again one day.
Written by O’Connor and Chris Canterbury, “Mr. Perfect” feels like sitting in the audience to watch a movie when you should have been the co-star. The mood of the single is saturated with regret and resignation, as the singer explains: “the song is a classic combination of you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone and too little, too late…I really pulled a lot of inspiration from one particular past relationship and focused on the things that I wish I had said at the time.” In a situation where there could easily be anger and resentment, O’Connor simply offers (without a trace of vindictiveness) to pick up the pieces if things don’t work out:
“Hang on to my number / you might need it up the road
We can’t say exactly what tomorrow holds / nobody knows
But you can always call / if it turns out Mr. Perfect
Ain’t so perfect after all”
As has been the case with all of O’Connor’s recent releases, the instrumentation on “Mr. Perfect” sets exactly the right tone. The rippling guitar, delicate steel accents, and subdued drums place the single squarely in the realm of “country music makes my heart hurt.”
In the end, “Mr. Perfect” is a likable, relatable take that will strike a chord with anyone who’s had that “meant to be” that just didn’t pan out. This single and all his previous releases bode well for the quality of O’Connor’s upcoming full length project, so make sure you check out his website and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for news on the forthcoming release.