Whenever I hear some modern nu metal, it makes me shed a tear, followed by putting on my backwards red Yankee cap to conquer the day.
MAIASAURA just released their newest single, GIRLS JUST WANNA. Their sound can be characterized best as a mix of nu metal and industrial rock with a dash of hip hop. The group, comprised of April Rose Gabrielli and Jacob Kulick really make a statement of their sound and style with this banger.
Gabrielli had the following to say about GIRLS JUST WANNA:
‘While we were developing the project, we watched a documentary about KISS. Someone on their management team suggested that they needed a ‘theme song’ for the band – which ultimately became a huge hit, Rock and Roll All Nite. I wondered if I had to write a theme song for this new project, what would it be?”
She goes on, “I feel like I had an opportunity to say something really honest about my personal experience that I always wanted to say. One of the first things that came to mind was the chorus lyric, ‘they say that girls just wanna have fun, but all I wanna do is f*ck sh*t up.’ The next day in the studio, Jacob was messing around with a really cool acoustic guitar riff (the intro to the song), and he threw together an incredible arrangement in only a few hours. The song became the benchmark when defining what this project stands for, how each song is produced and how we decide if we’re on the right track when creating.”
The song slaps, and we’re looking forward for what’s to come! Go listen to MAIASAURA’s GIRLS JUST WANNA now!