At the beginning of this year, Oklahoma artist Holly Beth rebranded.
It’s a new sound, a new style, and a new way for her to communicate her art. It didn’t take long after her first couple singles in January and February, trevi and flowers, for fans to realize that this is exactly what she needed and you can tell she’s more comfortable going this route as well. On March 22nd, Beth released her debut album, twentyfive. For us at Raised Rowdy, we’ve been pumped for this for a while, and rest assured, it delivered.
Starting off with the singles released a couple months prior for the record as mentioned before, trevi and flowers, these truly show off the chops Beth has as a vocalist and piano player. The vocals, especially in flowers, which I would vote to be the best track on the album, is truly incredible and will send some chills down your spine when that hook hits. There are other tunes that you can tell come from a true, deep, vulnerable place that can easily relate to most people. Songs like that include I wish you would hate me, which I’m sure everyone’s been on both sides of that coin before, and also break me down.
The title track, twentyfive, I predict will be a Holly Beth classic in the years to come. It shares adult problems for people just becoming adults experienced by everyone trying to get by, but most are too afraid to express it, which is always a formula for a great tune. All these tunes are killer, along with the bopping shoulda known better, we can’t be friends and the beautiful piano-driven album closer, happily ever never. Another highlight we need to hit is the ever-exceptional production work from Taylor Kimball over at Sour Sonics. With him on your side, it’ll be hard to miss.
Go do yourself a favor and go give Holly Beth’s debut record, twentyfive, a listen now!