Dexter and The Moonrocks Hit us with a Surprise Record, ‘Live From Dexter’s Basement’

Dexter and The Moonrocks are certainly taking the music-sphere by storm in their niche. They are killing it on Tik Tok, drawing fans by the boatloads to their shows and have been putting out very solid tunes recently. The Moonrocks gave us all a New Years surprise on the 4th of January – a brand new record, Live From Dexter’s Basement. People are usually either completely in or completely out when it comes to live albums, but if you’re in, this particular compilation will be a delightful treat.

The track list includes:


Where I Steer

Kate McCannon

Space Invader

Intro Flo Limone/Callahan



If you’re in to the older bangers from The Moonrocks, you’ll love this. The entire performance is A-1, but some standouts include Where I SteerSharp and the Colter Wall cover, Kate McCannon. Die-hard Colter fans – don’t kill me – but I dig this version way better. The crowd is on fire and the interaction between them and the band is electric.

Quit wasting your time and go listen to Live From Dexter’s Basement by Dexter and The Moonrocks!



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