Oklahoma musician Trenton Fletcher dropped a sweet tune – no pun intended – called “American Honey.” Fletcher has been on absolute fire recently with his releases leaning a lot more into the realm of bluesy southern rock, which seems to be right down his alley. He has proven this even more so with his newest release.
“American Honey” has fuzzy, rockin’ riffs throughout the song with some steady, booming drums keeping the foundation tied down. The melody is fantastic, and the vocal performance spotlighted by Fletcher is crazy good. Harmonization was a nice touch during the chorus and instrumentally, everything sounds super tight while having the right amount of looseness. “American Honey” is solid sonically and production turned out perfectly.
Trenton Fletcher is next up in the Red Dirt scene and is a rising artist that everyone should have on their radar. Give his newest single, “American Honey,” a listen right now!
Cover Photo by David Rocha.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1QqQdjW-ik?si=t2NHvduw4ue_69Rd&w=560&h=315]