Hannah Wicklund Delivers Again in Newest Single, ‘Witness’

Hannah Wicklund is one of the best artists in the modern rock genre who is still on the rise, and even today it seems like not enough people are aware of her work. Past releases like her 2018 record, Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones, or her 2020 EP, The Inbetween, are truly solid, but what she has been dropping recently shows that she has something really cooking. Wicklund released Hide and Seek on June 23rd and boy did it knock my socks off. Following that heater is her newest single, Witness.

Wicklund has an amazing voice, which is obvious to anyone with ears, but the soulfulness and passion that is poured into her performance is seemingly effortless – this being evident on Witness. If you were going make comparisons to explain to a buddy what this song is like, the best I have for you is Carole King on steroids. The piano is fantastic, accompanying Wicklund’s vocals throughout the opening of the tune, and the following crescendo of sound is a killer touch.

Harmonization in the song is excellently placed in the chorus, giving a church choir effect that almost always works in any song. The melody is perfect, planting itself in your mind for the rest of the day for sure. The songwriting is great and unique to Wicklund’s style and aesthetic as well. Aside from the lyricism and instrumental elements, the production works exceptionally well for the song.

You can group female vocalists into their own group or ranking all you want, but simple fact of the matter is that Hannah Wicklund stands tall among both the guys and gals in her genre, and she shows no signs of slowing down. We look forward to be hearing more from her, but in the meantime, check out her newest single, Witness!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9iLkOW4qzI&w=560&h=315]


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