If I went back in time maybe three years and told my past self that Koe Wetzel would be on a song with Kodak Black, my past self would kick me in the nards. Well, Diplo made that happen. Also, it freakin’ slaps. On the 13th of January, Diplo released a new song called “Wasted” that featured them both, which is a crazy good match.
From the start, you get the instrumentals that sound a lot like Hell Paso Koe. The riff sounds familiar, but then the trap beat kicks in as well as Kodak’s verse. Boom, we’re off. The drums boom to the forefront as Koe comes in, then they trade off back in forth in the chorus. It’s just a fun song. You’re going to get the fans who will complain that “this ain’t Koe” or say “why would he be in a rap song”, but it’s best to just ignore them. Bottom line is that this song is simply fun. At the end of the day, this is a totally random and surprising collab that ended in a result of a catchy ass tune and a track that you can crank with your buddies.
“Wasted” is an absolute gem of a banger and should be listened to immediately. Thank you, Diplo. Thank you, Kodak. Thank you, Koe.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrtAATC471E&w=560&h=315]