HARDY fucking rocks. The dude might be a top 3 artist in country music, and he only has one #1 song as a lead artist at country radio. Last Friday we entered a new era of Hardy music with “wait in the truck.” It’s no secret that his next album is going to push the line of country and full-on rock. His last release, “Sold Out,” is even labeled as a rock song on iTunes. “wait in the truck” isn’t quite as far rock as its predecessor, but it still is going to fit into the sound. Lyrically, it sounds like something that Johnny Cash would sing. It’s dark, it’s heavy, and it makes you feel something. Oh, and I didn’t even mention the best part yet. It’s a duet with Lainey Wilson. Yep – the fastest rising male and female superstars just released a song together.
Photo Credit: Ryan Smith
If you haven’t listened to the song yet, I suggest starting with the music video. It features Lainey Wilson with bruises all over her face, walking down the road in a major storm. She is scared, and desperate looking. It’s easy to see why she got cast in Yellowstone for the upcoming season. She sells this role perfectly. Hardy sees Lainey walking down the road and picks her up. He immediately asks where the guy is at. Then he looks like an absolute badass. He kicks the door into the trailer the abuser is in. Before the guy knows what’s happening, Hardy shoots him. He doesn’t make any effort to hide, or run. He knows what he has done, and he is willing to accept the punishment for it. I’ve always felt that a good music video can bring a song to life. In this case, we get a glimpse into Hardy’s brain of how he wanted the story to be seen. Domestic violence is a serious issue, and the video does a great job of balancing the heaviness of a very serious issue while also delivering an outstanding outlaw country storyline.
Photo Credit: Alysse Gafkjen
Whenever a game changing song gets released, you can feel it. Listening to this song for the first time, it felt different. I would be shocked if it isn’t a multiple week #1 by the end of 2022. This song brings another first for Hardy… the first time a song of his isn’t written in all capital letters. “wait in the truck” is entirely lowercase. Hardy’s name on the music video is also entirely lowercase. Is this part of Hardy’s new generation? This is a minor detail, but it’ll be fun to keep an eye on. Listen to “wait in the truck” below!