Jacob Stelly Puts Out New Single ‘Growing Up’

Cover Photo by Chris Kleinmeier

Dalton Domino’s Honcho Music Group is a machine when it comes to developing talented artists. Those musicians include Domino, Parker Ryan, Slade Coulter, Jordan Nix, Chris Canterbury and Jacob Stelly. Stelly is a standout and very rapidly rising artist in that group, quickly gaining popularity with each release he puts out. The Texas-based singer dropped “Growing Up” on July 7th and man, am I happy to hear some fresh and new sounds coming out of Texas. The tune opens with some piano taps, then you’re off. There is almost a pop element that blends great with the rock direction the song is also taking. This is why the Texas scene is so exciting. You get artists like Stelly who put their own unique style into their music that blurs the lines of genre and give you a new view of the music out west.

Anyway, enough of my babbling. Do yourself a huge favor and give “Growing Up” a listen below!


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