We’ve all been in a relationship or two where we let the person slip away without trying to stop them. It seemed so easy back then, like it was the right thing to do. Then it hits you out of the blue that you let a good thing walk away, and all the things you wish you would have said come to mind now that it’s too late. For many of us, these thoughts just remain thoughts, but for artists like Charlie Berry, they become a song.
Photo: Emma Golden
Berry’s latest single, “Wish I Woulda Said That,” tells the story of heartbreak, regret, and the realization that so much was left unsaid. A single argument that could have been turned around with an “I’m sorry” or “I love you” ended up being the end of the road. The idea came to Berry one day while in the yard and he knew it was worth getting it in the writing room.
“I wrote ‘Wish I Woulda Said That’ with Austin Jenckes and CJ Solar. I had the idea while I was out mowing other people’s lawns to make ends meet. I ran a little landscaping company a couple summers ago and when I say ‘little’ I mean it was just me and my lawnmower. There’s a solitude to working outside in the morning like that so I had plenty of time to think back about all the things I wish I would’ve said in my life. I can almost always come up with the perfect thing to say, but sometimes it takes me a couple years.”
Photo: Courtesy of Artist
Berry, originally from Dallas, Texas but currently living in Nashville, Tennessee, has spent his life chasing music to the point he even considers it an obsession. “It can change people. I know that because it changes me. It can turn your whole day around, give you a place to belong and make you feel like you’re not alone in this world.” Those words ring true for many of us who have also found comfort and healing in the power of song. But for Berry, it’s more than just writing and singing songs. He does it all, from playing guitar and bass, and recording and producing all his songs, to singing backup vocals and harmonies for artists like Cassadee Pope, Erik Dylan, Levi Hummon and Josh Thompson. Prior to his solo career, Berry was the lead singer in a band called Mockingbird Sun which landed him opening gigs for some of country music’s biggest names: Toby Keith, Garth Brooks and Kenny Chesney just to name a few. Berry played with the band for just over 6 years before they decided to go their separate ways, and this was when he truly began developing a storytelling and truth-revealing style of songwriting.
“Wish I Woulda Said That” came from that creative space and certainly tells a story. This is the 4th single released by Berry in 2021, and from what we’ve heard it won’t be the last. Check out the link below and enjoy the exclusive premiere of Charlie Berry’s latest single. Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Facebook for updates on new music and touring.