Travis Denning Teaches Us the Correct Way to Respond to an Ex in Latest Release

Katelyn Law Raised Rowdy Contributor

Travis Denning just released the breakup anthem that nobody asked for but that we all in fact needed. With a release date of Valentine’s Day and a song title that is simply “ABBY”, I’ll be honest, I completely thought Travis was going to begin crooning away on a touching love song. Instead, he gifted us with an upbeat goodbye song that is perfect for every cynic on Valentine’s Day. Written by some of Nashville’s greatest songwriters, Ashley Gorley, Chase McGill and Matt Jenkins, “ABBY” offers a clever lyrical journey that shows a unique perspective on a breakup. It takes the sad and the hurt that one would usually experience while saying goodbye and replaces it with a lighthearted adventure that will no doubt add energy to Travis’s live shows.

This song has been on repeat for me all day. It’s one of those song that I don’t imagine myself getting tired of anytime soon. It also is a perfect way to respond to your ex! So if you are out there and your ex hits you up asking how you spent your Valentine’s Day- just remember to respond by saying you spent it with “anybody but you.”

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