This Ole Boy HARDY is lighting fire to Country drops 3 new acoustic videos.

Nick Tressler Raised Rowdy Founder (You Know Where To Find ME)

It seems like it is HARDY’s world and we are all just living in it.  Mississippi’s finest just dropped three new Acoustic videos over on Vevo for our viewing pleasure.  One of which is his version of his #1 song he co-wrote “God’s Country”.  

Not only is HARDY releasing his own music (Which we hope to get another EP of soon), but on top of “God’s Country”, he also has Blake Shelton’s next single “Hell Right”. BIG TIMING. 

We recently saw one of Raised Rowdy’s favorite up and comers Sean Stemaly play live and he played a HARDY penned track too! 

This train is rolling down hill full steam ahead for HARDY.  We have been waiting since October for an interview with HARDY (If sliding into DMs and asking for an interview counts as waiting) and here is to hoping that happens soon, but until then enjoy these killer Acoustic videos! 



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