Raised Rowdy’s Top Eps of 2019 …So Far

For this article we are touching exclusively on EPs and not full albums. You might ask why do you choose this format instead of albums like most other outlets?  Well, we think the artists that are releasing EPs right now either are just gearing up to tell their story, or are trying something a little different with their music. We here at Raised Rowdy love both realms of country music.

Be it a concept piece like Erin Enderlin gave us or music that the world could just not wait any longer to have like Luke Combs prequel, these projects are special and really are some of the best country music that has came out so far in 2019.  A small glimpse into their artist’s sound, but enough to give you an idea of what they are up to.

Give these EPs a listen and let us know what 2019 projects we may have missed. We are always looking to you Rowdies to steer us to more great tunes.

Dawson Edwards

Erin Enderlin


Jon Wood 

Josh Phillips 

Kolby Cooper 

Kyle Daniel 

Lucas Ebert

Luke Combs

Matt Stell

Rachel Wammack

Ray Fulcher

Riley Green 

Ryan Nelson

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