Katelyn Law- Raised Rowdy Contributor
Imagine the most perfect night of your life. The drinks have never tasted better and your significant other is right by your side.
Well now, in Clay Barker’s latest release and follow up to his debut single “Hold My Beer”, you can blast that perfect night through your speakers and have it on repeat. This is “one of them” that will have you reminiscing your glory days and no doubt singing along.
The Alexander City, Alabama native wrote “One of Them” with master wordsmiths Tyler Reeve and Erik Dylan. When meeting up to create, the threesome never had the intentions of writing such a carefree song however it just “felt right.” And we are so glad that this tune came to fruition.
Clay describes the song as, “an unconscious awareness of that type of excitement, or tranquility, or love, or indestructible-ness that you only feel a few times in your entire lifetime.” And isn’t that what country music is specifically about? Grabbing onto life’s most favorite moments and freezing them in time to the tune of a unique melody?
Clay says he wants people to “take that emotion and be able to go back to when they hear this song, and maybe if the timing is just right and the song is turned up just loud enough they can get just a fragment of that feeling from whatever memory they play through their head when they listen to it.”
So here’s to all the “small town rebels running on forever.” Turn it up and let it be the sound track to your summer nights.