Nick Tressler Raised Rowdy Founder

There is times in your life when you just feel off. It can be for any number of reasons but some internal reflection can usually help you figure out what it is and therefore confront the issue so you can move forward. For artists like Carly Rogers this type of expression usually ends up in the form of a song. That is exactly the case with Carly’s new single “Need You”.
“Need You” was a solo write for Carly, where she explores the delicate emotions of the mixed signals you get in the modern social culture. True connections, those thick or thin, that make time for you even when they are busy, are so hard to come by. These days those people in your life seem few and far between. And, well it just plain hurts sometimes to think about it. We think this is Carly’s best release to date and it helps that it came from such a personal place in her mind.
Carly told us “One of my favorite songs I’ve ever written, “Need You” is about the people who only check in when it’s convenient for them. Unfortunately, whether or not they’re aware, every single person goes through this. I was drinking one night and had some pent up resentment. I needed to get it off my chest I guess. It’s the first song I wrote by myself in years. You just gotta listen to it. I think you’ll relate.”
So listen to this sucker and thank your lucky stars for those people in your life that have you on their mind and want to be around you regardless of if you can do something for them.