Travis Ensley tells us “What Money Can’t Buy”

Nick Tressler – Raised Rowdy Founder

Hailing from the great state of North Carolina, Travis Ensley has made his way onto the country scene after starting to pick guitar at the age of 14.  Travis is one of those good ole country boys who loves the outdoors and keeping the country in his life.

His recent single “What Money Can’t Buy”, co-written by Aaron Conner and Andy Upton, started with a melody and ended with a message straight from the heart. Travis tells us “The way this song originated, an idea came to mind as I was driving to work. I sent Aaron and Andy a rough vocal of the first verse and chorus. They didn’t hate it so we got together to finish it. Aaron brought up this would be a good way to tie in a title he had thought of before, “What Money Can’t Buy”. A few beers later we had a completed song, and what started with a melody ended with a message that came straight from our hearts. At the end of the day as an artist and as writers, you hope people feel the same connection to your music as you did when you wrote it. For us, this is more than just a song, it’s a way for the three of us to pay homage to our loved ones.”

The message is solid country. About loving the people you care about most. Ensley goes on to explain, “This song encompasses what it means to grow up, and the realization that many of us find as we get older. As time passes, you realize that the things you once thought were important don’t matter as much, and ultimately life is about much more than material things. For me, my parents and my family are much more valuable than anything I could ever buy. That’s what I want this song to communicate, I want people to listen to this song and want to share it with their loved ones.”

Give this track a listen and let us know what you think.  Make sure to follow Travis on Instagram too to keep up with what he has going on.


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