Ryan McDonald – Raised Rowdy Staff Writer
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As we creep towards summer and start to escape from the winter doldrums, Matt drops his new single on us and writes a prescription that requires no co-pay. “Here’s to Something” is an escape and a celebration stitched together as tightly as your grandmothers passed down afghan, draped over your favorite rocking chair. Matt co-wrote the glass raising song with friend and front man of the Alabama band The Vegabonds, Daniel Allen. Matt describes the story behind it as “We all have some of those friends where you know tomorrow I’ll have a story and be on the struggle bus, but tonight it’s worth it. It’s really about being thankful for where you are at, and enjoying the little things.”
It’s not a well hidden secret that we don’t need much inspiration to raise our glasses over here at Raised Rowdy, but if you ever do Matt gives more eloquent inspiration than we ever could:
“If you have to find a “good” reason, then you need this song. It’s about letting go from time to time. It’s being present in a moment. The spontaneity of a “Here’s To Something” night is what makes them that much better.”