The January blues are so real this month with the dreary weather and post holiday crash. We’re here to brighten up your day with some awesome new music.
Singer/Songwriter, Josh Bagwell released his EP today and it’s the perfect summer playlist. From badass instrumentals to truthful lyrics and Josh’s smooth voice, we can’t get enough of it. While each song is unique on its own, they all tell relatable stories with infectious beats. Check them out below.
“Damn You 17”
This is one of our favorites. From the moment the beat drops and you hear those opening lyrics – you know you’re in for a treat. “Damn You 17” just speaks the truth. I wish this would have came out when I graduated high school because these lyrics would have been all over my Instagram like this one: “Damn you for letting us think we could never grow up and time wouldn’t change.” Growing up you can’t imagine anything changing, let alone the friendships with your best buddies. Josh dives into the nostalgia you can feel riding down memory lane from those late summer nights to the crazy stuff you got into with your friends. We love how simple he makes it all.
“Falling For You”
This song brings a different perspective to the ever present “back & forth” after a break up with an amazingly catchy beat: “You say you left, but you won’t walk away. You always find just the right thing to say.” This is all about the girl playing the game and the guy hanging on to every bit of the loving she’s giving even if it’s only for the weekend. “You’re good at the game that I love to play.” It’s great to see Josh showcasing that vulnerability from a guy’s perspective. The lyrics just hit ya right in the heart. “How am I supposed to find someone new when I’m still falling for you.” We’ve all been there. We know we should walk away because we just keep getting deeper and deeper, but we want that love.
“Driving All Night”
Wow – this takes us back to high school summer nights. Josh sets the scene perfectly with his lyrics: “Something about a midnight, moonlight ride.” It’s just the perfect summer song for a bonfire night with good friends. It’s paired with rocking instrumentals that give off a sexy/flirty vibe. It has this “snag and hook” feel like two people teasing each other. One’s saying, “Don’t tempt me because you know I can’t resist you.”
“Hand Me Downs”
This song stands out because it’s a little more stripped down and acoustic. Sometimes we don’t appreciate hand me downs enough so thank goodness Josh gives an ode to them here. From tractors to trucks, he lets us know that there’s nothing better than a hand me down: “I’m a sucker for the way back when.” Nothing beats these things because there’s history for each one of them and they’re tried and true.
Don’t just take it from us – CHECK OUT THIS EP. Stream, buy it, karaoke it – whatever you gotta do. Enjoy and crank it on your pre-game playlist this weekend and all 2019.