Rob Cain
Freight Train Podcast host and Raised Rowdy contributor
Alright, alright, alright, we’ve all been waiting on new music from Hannah Damn Dasher and now it’s here! Her new single, “Stoned Age” Dasher takes us back to a time when things were simpler, “When girls looked like Janice and hippie boys looked like Jesus…” The new single exemplifies a time where the only thing you worried about when it comes to making music was, how does it make you feel? A time when, having a good time while making music was what it was all about, if you became popular or made some money that was just a bonus! So lift your cold beer in a celebratory toast to Hannah Dasher creating more undeniably amazing music. Do you have the new single “Stoned Age” by Hannah Dasher? You’d be a lot cooler if you did . . .