Lucas Barela has stayed true to the roots of country music from the time he picked up his guitar. The New Mexico native has spent time on the road with Mark Chesnutt, and that time helped to shape the writer and artist he’s become.

Barela’s song “There’s More Behind That Picture” is his most requested original song while he plays for tips on Lower Broadway in Nashville.
Of the three pictures Barela sings about, every country music fan knows the first — it’s the one of Hank Williams Sr. with a crooked smirk on his face. The second is one of the most powerful images in our country’s history when U.S. soldiers lifted the United States’ flag at Iwo Jima.
The third photo, well… as Lucas would say when he introduces the song — we’ll just let you hear which one that one is about. It is, however, incredibly fitting for Good Friday.